Sunday, August 16, 2009

What Are The Top Ten Tips On Interview?

What Are The Top Ten Tips On Interview?

Everyone you ask is likely to have a different list of their personal top ten tips on interview but many of the tips will be the same.

It's fair to say that most people will have this as the number one on their list

Turn up in good time for your interview. Not just in time, still sweating, breathing hard and suddenly pushed through a door in front of an interview panel. Get there in plenty of time. Take that extra time to gather thoughts thought's, shake off the journey, do whatever calming techniques you use and generally prepare mental for the interview. Think about that opening statement as the first question will surely be - tell me a bit about yourself. you should, of course, have had all your answers well prepared but it will do you no harm to over things in your mind.

Take the trip to the interview location a few days before the actual interview so you can be sure you know where it is, parking, traffic or anything else that may catch you out. if you can't get there in time for an interview you are very unlikely to get the job no matter what excellent skills and benefits you may have brought the company.

Click on the following link to get a full list of my top ten tips on interview

What Are The frequently Asked Questions At Interview?

What are the frequently asked questions at interview?

The frequently asked questions at interview tend to be the generic questions that try to elicit information from the candidate that tells the interviewer whether this is the kind of person they want to work with and if the candidate will be an asset to the company.

Many of the questions will start or finish with..

Tell me about an experience.. explain what you did.. tell me a situation.. Give me an example...etc

Interviewers love answers from real life, real examples of what you have done. So it is in your interest to make sure that every single (good) thing you have done in your past work experience has a great story wrapped around it and be ready for you to pull;ll out when the opportunity arises.

There is no great secret to interviews, just preparation and practice.

Click on the following link to see a full list of frequently asked questions at interview.

Best Interview Answers

What are the best interview answers?

Basically the best interview answers are the ones that will impress your interviewer and get you that job offer!

But how do you know what questions are going to be asked? Of course you don't, you can't see in to the future or predict other peoples actions can you? Hmm, maybe you can. You see people are basically creatures of habit. Most people only do what's needed to get by. They don't re-invent the wheel. If someone else has already done what looks a like a good job or something that will work for us then we will generally use it.

This is absolutely true of interview questions. I think I can safely say that there are only around a 100 or so different questions ever asked at interviews and many of them are similar in that they are designed to extract certain information from the candidate. One you know what that information is and have a general overview of the questions then you will have the best interview answers and you will easily star at that interview