Sunday, August 16, 2009

Best Interview Answers

What are the best interview answers?

Basically the best interview answers are the ones that will impress your interviewer and get you that job offer!

But how do you know what questions are going to be asked? Of course you don't, you can't see in to the future or predict other peoples actions can you? Hmm, maybe you can. You see people are basically creatures of habit. Most people only do what's needed to get by. They don't re-invent the wheel. If someone else has already done what looks a like a good job or something that will work for us then we will generally use it.

This is absolutely true of interview questions. I think I can safely say that there are only around a 100 or so different questions ever asked at interviews and many of them are similar in that they are designed to extract certain information from the candidate. One you know what that information is and have a general overview of the questions then you will have the best interview answers and you will easily star at that interview

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